Monday, April 27, 2009

Weekend Advice

image borrowed from here

Dear Friends,

Lego Hair Main is doing fairly well following his surgery. And, as fun as hernia surgery isn't. I wouldn't advise doing it unless the Doctor tells you to. None of that, "I don't really have anything to do this weekend. Maybe I'll have a Hernia repair!". Not Fun!!

He has spent days in bed, hopped up on pain meds. Mostly sleeping. I miss my dh!!!

Have you ever been to Cut Out And Keep's site? It is a very eclectic craft site with some great ideas, and some things that make you go hmmmmm. It is a fun place to kill time, and maybe score a few ideas.

Ok! Back to Lego-sitting.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Short story

Lego's Friday Adventure.
A very short story.
Beautiful Lego Hair Man

is going to the hospital

for hernia surgery.

I'm bringing this ^ just in case.
ps. Go Here for Giveaway

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Jiggity jig

I'm HOME!!!
We had a good trip all things considered.
The hardest parts of coming home have to be....

Vacation tired- angry children,

and endless piles of laundry!!!

Thanks for all of you thoughts on my pain. I have been feeling good, but I'm making an appointment with my Dr. as soon as I can.

Are we all ready for this week??? I'm not sure I am...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Say Hello to......

Have you ever been on vacation and had one of those perfect days? Kids behaved perfectly, everything went as planned, baby didn't scream too much at bedtime?

Ever wake up at 12:00am with a searing pain in your abdomen, burning-constant pain that you can't find relief from? Then did it spread to your back too? For 4 hours? Then magically the pain was completely gone? Yeah! Me Too.

I've never had a Gall bladder problem before......I think I might have one now. Anyone know anything about Gallstones? ( I only know that my Grandma had some in a jar in her buffet!)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Money Making Idea

Today, as we loaded up our Suburban for the annual road trip, Lego Hair Man had a few surprises in store for me.

About 15 minutes into the drive, when the kids were into their movie (with their headphones on) he popped a MIX TAPE into the tape player.


a Mix tape!

And not just any Mix tape, but the one he made for the night we got engaged!

It was great to hear all of the songs that he had picked like;
Lady in Red by Chris de Burgh,
Hands to Heaven by Breathe,
Somebody by Depeche Mode,
Hold on the the Night by Richard Marx,
Forever Young by Alphaville,
Have You Seen Her by Mc Hammer (heh heh)
We laughed, we cried, we reminisced! Ahh romance!
When that tape was over he had another surprise....
our Wedding Mix Tape!!
All of the "old technology" got us talking about the good old times.
Remember when you bought a 45 at the Record store, and it always had one really awesome song, on side A, and one totally Lame song on side B? Good times!

Have you ever tried to explain what a record is, to your kids, and the only explaination that works is, " It is like a giant black CD, and it had songs on BOTH sides!!!"

During this intellectual conversation I had the greatest idea! I think that when you pay to download a really great song you should get a free download of a really crappy one (like it is side B of your 45) . I'm not going to persue that one....feel free to take that one to the bank yourself. You're welcome!

Another Great Song From Engagement Mix Tape!
(I like to imagine that Lego and I are the Hot Dancing Couple!)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I am so thankful that all of my blog friends are not SCANT on their GENEROSITY!
I was trying so hard to come up with the opposite of scant, and all I could come up with was
obese, fat, super-sized, grande.
None of these words is quite right for a Generous 1/2" seam allowance.
This last week I have been patterning and sewing like crazy! We have deadline for getting our patterns photographed, and printed up. I have to get the samples done by Monday.
They are so cute that I can't stand it!
And the Urban Diaper Bag has turned out better than I ever dreamed. I hope that it will wow everyone!
Now I have to start getting the instructions in order, and understandable, for printing. Easier said than done for sure.
Spring Break starts tomorrow, and we are leaving for a family vacation Thursday.
(I hate to say that I dread tomorrow, but have you ever spent the day before vacation with 6 kids??? They will be driving me nutty ALL DAY!)

Monday, April 13, 2009


What is the opposite of Scant?
I'm trying to write the instructions for this bag pattern, and I really need to use Scant......and whatever its opposite is.
Can anyone help???

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ms. Lucy

This picture makes me SMILE!
My five year old Brig,
and his "little" four year old brother Tay.
When I saw this fabric in the shop I knew that it was destined to be Easter shirts for these two cuties. They couldn't wait to wear them, and they kept begging me to "hurry and put the buttons on!"
It was a very simple pattern. I'll have to remember to post the company and pattern number.
This is a Picture of my 8 year old Macy.
The dress she is wearing is IZZY and IVY's first dress pattern called the "Macy Giggles" Sun Dress.
When I told her I was taking her picture for the blog she purposely tipped her head down because that is "How they do it in the magazines" she said.

This pattern will be printed in the next few weeks, and will be for sale in May!!

There are at least 2 other patterns that will be released at that same time. I have another 3 ready for the next printing sometime this summer.

If you didn't catch the post on Gracie Lous, my new Dress form is named

Ms. LUCY Venus

I'll just call her Lucy or Luc (loose).

Now that Easter is over, what projects do you have on the queue?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Why..... we wear a pair of PANTS-
and not a pair of BRAS?
If one dice is a DIE.....
is one Moose a MOO??
I had the best purse class last night!! We had so much fun.
I got home and couldn't sleep because I'd over-indulged on Diet Coke....again.
The above randomness are thoughts I had while trying to sleep.
Have a great weekend, and a beautiful Easter!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Just when you think

Just when you think you've got your kids figured out,
they go and do something that surprises you.
There is something about Wednesdays that causes my children to behave badly.
(they turn EVIL!)
Yesterday was no exception.
By the time Lego Hair Man got home from work they were swinging from Chandeliers
(ceiling fans= White trash Chandeliers)
Lego and I had a viewing/visitation that we needed to go to. We hurried out of the house as quickly as we could, leaving several fighting-screaming-angry children in our wake.
(It is really sad when going to a mortuary is actually a nice night out, because you are actually out)
When we got home, the house was in a state of chaos.
(It is amazing how fast they can mess up the house!)
Our oldest DD was waiting at the door to lead us down to my (still in disarray) Studio.
Waiting for us was a candle light dinner that they had all readied for us.
They built a table out of 2 TV trays and a piece of plywood, covered by a lace table cloth.
We had angle hair pasta, carrots, salad, and Diet Pepsi in our fancy glasses.

We were so thankful for their thoughtfulness.
They knew that we didn't have time to go they made an "Out" for us.
They even tended the little ones upstairs while we ate.
(pay no attention to the stack of mending, scattered books, butt wipes, and general Mayhem behind me. The basement is really cute....when clean)
It was exactly what we needed......
and I have a renewed affection for my children too.
Here is a sneak peak of Izzy and Ivy's pattern I just finished.
She who has no name looks adorable in it! Go here and name her....and maybe win stuff

Does anyone know anyone that could do some pattern grading FAST?? Someone with CAD??

Just asking.....

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What if...

If you had to choose only one food to eat
for the rest of your life
what would it be?
I would choose
Mormon Funeral Potatoes......

Corn Flake topping and all!!!
Picture borrowed from, and recipe found here

Monday, April 6, 2009

Our new addition

After months of stress and wonder
the big day is finally here!!
Monday we welcomed a new addition to our family.
We were hoping that she would arrive earlier,
but we are thankful that she is here and safe.
I'd like to introduce you to....

my lovely Dritz Ms. Venus girls dress form (size 6-8).

Unfortunatly she doesn't have a first name yet.....

and since Shasta has joint custody of her, we are having a contest here to help us find the perfect name for our baby girl!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Izzy and Ivy

Once upon a time,
about 20 years ago in LBF (life before family),
I was a Theater - Costume Design Major in college.
I wanted to grow up to be a cutter/draper (the person who makes all of the patterns).
I spent a few summers working here, at the Utah Shakespearean Festival, as a stitcher/dresser.

Sitting in front of one of these for 13 hours a day.

Making beautiful costumes that look like this, out of the most amazing fabrics.
Surrounded by the most amazingly talented people in the field.

photo from

I left the Theater world when I got married. I knew that I wanted to have a family, and I knew that I wanted to be a full time Mom. I couldn't see being able to blend my love for both.

Designing, patterning, sewing had been a huge part of my life. They still are. Since "settling down" I haven't had to give up the things I love doing..... I have just done them in different ways.

I make the most awesome costumes for my kids school plays. I sew them clothes. I craft!

Now, I am going to be able to put those skills to a more professional use. My Shasta and I are working hard on our new business, a line of girls clothing patterns called...


I am excited............. and scared!

Hopefully soon I will be showing some of the fruits of our labors!

A Rose by another name

What is your sewing machine's name??

I named my Singer 221 STELLA. She is a sweet little lady from the 30's.

My Bernina 930 is a quirky gal. She's a hard worker, but there always seems to be some little hiccup-burp. I named her Bessie Higginbottom after the cartoon character.

My new Babylock is named Francis, after baby on Dirty Dancin, mostly because she's a star in such a humble disguise.

If you want to hear what other sew-ists are saying go here. Fabric on sale here.