The laundry is starting to creep down the hall, and the kids only have P.J.'s left to wear to school tomorrow!! O.K, that is not quite true. They have those really strange color combo outfits that their Dad insists on dressing them in on the weekends, or when I'm sick and can't stop him. (once he put my cutie girl in Cammo pants, and a striped shirt...eeeeaaakkkk!!!)
I'll be back tomorrow....unless I get the Haunta Virus...or worse!!
Girl I'm, right there with you. I think something is growing in my bathroom - eeewww!
That is to funny! I totally understand! I have seen those ladies...they are on a British TV show. They come and show you just how dirty your house really is! Good luck....I am right there with you!
Oh, you KNOW I am right there with you since my son came over in his PJs during the day! No doubt I can't keep up with work, taxes & cleaning! YIKES!
are the dust bunnies or dirt devils:)
blast some music it will help make the cleaning easier.
I am right there with ya, only I have boxes piled as high and as far as you can see!! Hopefully I can get it all put away and cleaned so that we can have ya'all over to see our new place! haha, in my dreams!
See, this is where it's nice when your children are a little older and can do their OWN laundry . . .
A question, oh Queen of Bag Tutorials--please, do you have a suggestion for a tutorial for one of those little wrist bag things that the girls wear to prom???
The less I have to think, the better off we all are . . .
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