I covered the cans with that thin cork board, then glued stuff around the top. Then I made some quick thumbtacks out of buttons, and the scrabble tiles that Mary Ann (two words) sent me!
I have been hoarding, and stroking, my yardage of Flutterby that I bought to make my Mom a bag with. I am waiting for the inspiration for the "Vicki" bag to strike.
Today (tuesday) is my Nephew Coltons Birthday. He would have been 16! My Sister has always had special parties for her children on their 16th. Monday night we gathered at his graveside for his party.
His headstone isn't done yet, so his little cousins painted rocks for him. His Mom brought flowers, and a carved bear (he was bit by a Black Bear at scout camp). We were each given a balloon to write a birthday message on, sang "Happy Birthday", then released all of the balloons. We cried and laughed....then went and had a Hot dog Bonfire! It was a great party!
We Miss You Colton!!!
It seems so WRONG that a young person would be in a grave instead of at school! The kids did a wonderful job on the rocks! Happy Birthday Colton!
I burnt my wiener on the fire last night...
Actually I burnt both of my wieners...
And they were tasty!
I wondered what the party would be. Wish I had been there. Thanks for the comment Ninja S., it turned my tears into laughter. MUM
Yeah, I burnt my wiener too. And Keisha's. . . wait. . that doesn't work so well for girls huh:D
What a wonderful loving family you are a part of. Bit by a bear! Good grief!!!
I think I remember something from How about orange with cans ...
Hey those cans were my idea! Just kidding the whole world knows I don't have single once of creativity in me! They are super cute though!
Those are really great cans, great job!
That sounds like a really wonderful way to remember Colton! Those rocks are beautiful.
We just did the balloon thing this weekend. It would have been my SIL's birthday on Sunday. We wrote her a note and put it in a balloon and released it so it would take the message up to her in heaven. http://tinkquilts.blogspot.com/2008/04/something-about-mary.html
p.s. Love the cans. I may just have to steal the idea for giftees.
Oh what a special way to remember him. It will always be something Colton's cousins remember.
I forgot to comment on the Vicki bag!!! Had any inspiration yet? Huh? Huh? MUM
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