When I was younger I had very long, very big hair! I cut it off shortly before i had my first baby 13 years ago.

(Lola wishes this was her photo!)
Over the years it got shorter, and shorter until it was shorter than her Dear Husband's. (Much to his dismay)
I have been trying to let it grow out for the last several months. It isn't working the way I had hoped. This is what I look like now!

(a girl can hope...can't she???)
Grandma always said she liked my hair so much better when it was short!
You did look just like the girl in the first picture!! Well, your hair did at least:)
Grandma likes your hair short but Aunt Sharlene does NOT! "NOOOOO":(
I've decided that a haircut is the only way I will EVER lose weight!
Um, will my boobs and abs look like that if I get my hair cut? Because, if so, make an appointment for two girlfiend.
i was laughing when i read this..esp the poodle, really?
LOVE the poodle! I've had some hair days like that ... nothing like good ol' VA humidity to take over a gals hair ... happy chopping@
That is the funniest post I've read in awhile. I hope your haircut goes well!
I actually rememeber your beautiful long hair. I thought it was so pretty when I was young. Oh how I want to look like Halle too. He-who-must-not-be-named would like that too.
I totally understand the long hair/short hair debate. I loved your post.
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