I joined Gift of Green's Clothesline Challenge 2008 today. I am a little late, as it started on May 1st...but better late
Lego hair and I have been talking about doing this for a while now. Way back in our early years together, when we were more po, we line dried all of our clothes. We learned to love crunchy sheets, and found that scratchy towels are more absorbant.....and keep your skin exfoliated!
Of course, at that time it was just the two of us so it wasn't really that hard to do. Now it is the eight of us (still po)! I have found that I have to do at least 3 loads of wash a day or the laundry takes over the house!
So now my unfortunate neighbors will get to see my skivies.(......OK.......My neighbors are my Sister and her family, and they have already seen my skivies I'm sure! )
Head on over and sign up for the challenge. It'll be fun to see everyone air their Clean laundry for once. And we can do a little something for the Earth while we are at it!!!
Ummm, no I don't want to see any more of your skivies! OK, for the Earth I'll allow your undies to blow in the wind out my bedroom window as long as your body is NOT in them!
I will air dry my clothing before I do it to my towel. There is just something about that soft towel I love:D
You are a better woman than I am. I love my downy too much, plus, I would never see my backyard again if I hung the laundry out...not to mention that I'm a target for bird poop :)
I think it is great that you are up to the challenge, though. We all need to do our part for the environment. I've been using cold water, less loads, and low heat. I've also went green in other ways around the house.
I love lined dried linen! I just used a towel today that we dried last week on the line. It was wonderful and SOFT! My secret is to use liquid downy in the wash and line dry them when there is a breeze.
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