This is going to be one exciting weekend at our house!! On Saturday we will be celebrating the "Twins" birthdays. Straight hair's birthday is actually Friday, Curly hair's is on Saturday, but to keep them from fighting being confused we decided to make it one big day instead of two.
This is a picture of the pair on their very first outing together. From the begining Straight has been curly's protector! They were actually born 1 year and 1 day apart...destined to be brothers and best friends.
They have always shared everything with each other.....sometimes they haven't enjoyed sharing, but mostly of the time they do.
They do silly things all of the time. They start each day off clean.....but it doesn't last!

They have always shared a double bed. We got them a bunk a few weeks ago, and they have problems falling asleep without each other. Sometimes when we peek in on them at night they are looking over the edges of the bed...making sure that the other one is still there.
We weren't sure how this brotherhood would work out, or if it would. They have both surprised and delighted us with their relationship!
So very different........exactly alike!
That is the best post ever:) So sweet, those two!
happy birthday, boys! your are both adorable and very much loved!
Happy birthday, twins!
Oh, how sweet they are together! I love the picture of them in bed, snuggled together like little puppies : )
I hate it when you dress them alike because I can't tell them apart:D I guess the one sure way to tell them apart is to lift them. Curly is a hefty & will tell you he is stronger than his straight haired counterpart.
They are just too cute for words!
Happy Birthday to the "twins"!
Happy birthday guys! It's always awesome when brothers get along so well!
Happy Birthday, guys! They are such cuties! It sounds like they have a great relationship.
they sre so cute! I love the picture of them in bed together, awwwwwwwww!
Wish the boys a Happy Birthday for us! Will we be seeing you all at the weenie roast, that I guess technically could be held in their honor?
Those pictures are priceless. They are so darling. I can't believe how much they have grown. I am sad that the two tiny boys are gone, but glad they still love the ducks. Happy Birthday Twins! MUM
What a blessing they are to each other and to you! Happy birthday straight and curly! Where's Mo?
You tell those cutie pies...Happy Birthday!
Isn't it cool haow God puts families together.
Happy birthday cuties!!!!!
These photos are prechious.
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