We had 36 family members there to greet them. The second we could see their faces we started cheering. Luckily, the airport was almost empty. I was going to post a video of the event until
but it was taking to long to figure it uploading it tonight....and one other BUTT...mine!! There are many minutes of footage (or, should I say buttage?) of my large bahookey as I run around hugging, and bawling.
The whole crew headed home with the folks to further pester them to help them get settled ofter their long trip. Finally got home and in bed by 3:00am. (This includes all of the kids. The baby even stayed up for the fun). We "slept" for a few hours, then headed back to Mom and Dad's for brunch at 10:00am. We spent the whole day there too!
It has been an incredible day! I feel like the planets are in their proper orbit....the Earth's rotation has returned to normal..... and all the world is in harmony again!! Families are really amazing aren't they?!
How wonderful. I'm giddy just thinking about how exciting things are for your family. That picture made me laugh too.
How wonderful that they are home safe and well! I know that feeling that you descibe when all is well in the world when the family is all intact again! My grandparents have served two missions and that is just how I feel when they return! What a blessig our families are!!
I can feel your joy all the way over here!
Oh happy day! So glad they made it home safely.
That's nice that you have a large family. I am an only child so it seems strange to have 36 family members! PS - I has made a LOL on ihascheezburger and u is de only wan whoo weel understand eet. U will vote, yes? http://mine.icanhascheezburger.com/view.aspx?ciid=1284061
wonderful...i am so glad they are home safely...i love it that your mom is so thrilled!...and your dad looks awesome...=)...enjoy each other!
Awww! I am so happy for your family. I have tears in my eyes.
When my brother was returning from his mission (many years ago when non-passengers were allowed to go back) we were cheering and waiting anxiously for him with signs and everything. Strangers gathered around because they wanted to see who "Craig" was and why he had such a huge crowd of homecoming welcomers. (And he was one of the last to to exit the plane. I think that was planned.)
I am so happy for you, Lola! You sound like you have an awesome family : )
Do you think this is what it's like when we die - people waiting to welcome us crying and taking pictures? I think it must be a great big family reunion. Family is the best!
Seeing your mom all teary just makes me teary too. So glad they are home safe and sound!
Helen, what a sweet image! I am going to file that one away and savor it.
I'm really glad that they made it home safely. Welcome Home!
I'm so happy for you. Your mom is a sweet lady and there is nothing like having your parents around. What a great example to set for your whole family. Now its time to enjoy them.
Oh how wonderful! The thought even brougth a tear to my eye! How lucky they are to have all that family waiting for them!
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