Sunday, December 21, 2008


I'm usually not very good at sending Christmas cards.
This year I finally did it! I found all of you addresses, made beautiful cards, and got them in the mail on time!!!!


You haven't gotten yours yet???? uhhhhhhhhhhhhh....well, I got them to hte mail on time, but there was a problem...

umm, yeah.....the Post Office that I took them to....



I think it burned down.

and all of my cards burned too...that's it...they got burned....

Maybe next year?


Taz said...

OMG I can't believe that is exactly what happened to my cards too!

Blakely said...

The post office near our house had part of it blown away by a tornado several years ago.

b. said...

You're so good....I didn't even try this year.

Carrie said...

I found it to be a big relief when my husband told me Christmas cards were dumb! So I don't worry about them anymore!

Scrappinfor3 said...

I had typed out a really cool comment here & it got erased when I typed the wrong password. . .I'll try again. . .
Oh crap! I forgot!
Happy Holidays anyway! I'm aiming for Happy Thank the Lord Winter doesn't last forever & Spring will be here by April {hopefully} or at least May. . .it is WI afterall. . .currently -2 degrees. . .

Mrs Jelly said...

Oh your poor Christmas cards - and after all the effort you went to make them and get the addresses and get them to the post office on time. I mean, it's not like you would forget or anything would you?
Perhaps you could send some electronic cards :
(They are beautiful)
Merry Holidays!

Hey It's Di said...

Of all the luck! I took my first time, hand crafted with love cards to that SAME Post Office! What a bummer;)

Stacey said...

The dog ate mine!!! :)

Have a great holiday....

Carrot Jello said...

Merry Christmas!

You’ve just been hit with Random Acts Of
“ Merry Christmas!”
Love, Carrot Jello

Kerri said...

Hah! That's funny!