Thursday, December 18, 2008

What the ?

Have you ever heard of this magical food??
Chicken stuffed in a Duck stuffed in a Turkey..

Turducken! It's not just for breakfast anymore!
ps. I don't eat anything with the word turd in it!
Maybe if they changed the name to Chidukey??
I say Nay Nay!


b. said...

I've heard of it, but I'm with you...TURD=NO WAY!

Hey It's Di said...

Anything that involves 3 meats and no chocolate will NEVER be on my plate!

Kathi D said...

Ewwww, I have heard of it, but this is the first time I have seen one!

Jillybean said... thanks.

I guess that would be the perfect food for someone who can't make up their mind on what to eat.

I'm with Di on the chocolate comment.

Salinda said...

Actually, this is quite yummy! We have it for Thanksgiving each year. (But I'm from Louisiana, and we'll eat just about anything if you season it correctly.:) )

The ones we buy are stuffed like this: a deboned chicken stuffed inside a deboned duck stuffed inside a deboned turkey. Plus, you can get lots of types of dressing stuffed between the meats. We usually opt for crawfish dressing.

The best turduckens are at Hebert's Specialty Meats in Lafayette, LA.

Check out the website, you'll see lots of other yummy, unusual combinations.

Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

We had this two years ago for Thanksgiving and said never again. It wasn't that bad but most people didn't want to try the non-turkey parts.

Carrie Me! said...

I have definitely heard of it, but now having seen it....YUCK....

"Chidukey" made me laugh, but that has the word "dukey" in it. I don't eat foods with "turd" or "dukey" in the name. LOL

Unknown said...

I have heard of it but this is the first time I have seen it. I wonder who came up with such a beast?

Jessica G. said...

Yep, I've even seen it in person although I didn't taste it. It smelled kinda weird...not quite like turkey.

trisha too said...

umm, no.

no again.

no matter how you spell it.

Taz said...

Well you could always have a bird in a bird in a bird. They start off with something wee like a quail and keep shoving it inside bigger birds until you end up with an ostrich I mean a turkey. :)

Scrappinfor3 said...

What the??? I'm kind of with you on this one.