I gave DeeDee a purse...she gave me an Award!!! Pretty cool!! I gave my kids life, they give me grief! I'd MUCH rather have an award!
I'd like to pass this award on to some of my favorite Webby Women:
T at Purple and Paisley! She was one of my first blog buddies, and she constantly amazes me with her talent (and daring) in sewing!
Mary Ann at A Very Mary Design. She cracks me up! She is my adopted niece and fun friend....and she is smart too!
Busty Larue! She is my friend, she's fun, she's crafty, she's my Sister-in-law! Go Busty!!
Yes...I'm sorry.....I'm still on the purse kick! I get hooked on one craft, and craft it until I can't stand it anymore!!

I ended up making my own pattern for my Sister Angel's bag. I guess it will have to be called "The Angel Bag". (DeeDee, I'm still working on the pattern for the bag I'm naming after you. It involves math-since you are an accountant-and you know how bad I am at math!)

The pattern and tutorial for the ANGEL BAG will be coming in the next few days. (I have to figure out how to pattern..and pdf again...ugh!)
Thank you for the award! You are awesome! I can't believe how many purses you make! You are so talented. I wish I had the time, or the talent, to make so many beautiful bags. You should give classes! That would be fun.
Wow - those are amazing! I LOVE the fabric!
awwww...thank you for the award! it is so appreciated and i just love my blogging buddies!
What is the fabric on those? I love it!
you are awesome!!
where is my award! huh huh. any way I found a couple of nursing aprons that I like on bebeaulait.com they are called windsor and seville. take a look at them and see if we can find fabric kind of like that.
And of course they are much more amazing in real life! I can fit the whole world in my purse:)
You know how happy it makes me:D
Thanks again!
I saw the Angel bag in person today, and must say that the picture does not do it justice. It is so much cuter in real life! Angel was showing it off all over the salon. So cute!!
I so wish that I was your neighbor.
We here in Liberia are anxiously awaiting the tutorial for the Angel bag. Won't they look great in African fabric!! Love it! MUM
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