Memorial day. What a perfect day for our neighbor, who has been serving in Iraq, to come home! We don't really know him. He left shortly after moving into the neighborhood. We are acquainted with his wife, and have seen his young daughter playing in the neighborhood. So why is it that we feel so emotional about his return home?? Maybe it is because I can't imagine leaving everything that you love to go where the leaders of our country send you. That you would fight to help protect the freedoms of people that you don't know. To know that you could die, and see others around you lose their lives......and still go willingly.
I want to Thank you! There are so many Men and Women that have served, and continue to serve our country. Thank you for helping to preserve my rights and freedoms. Thanks for sacrificing so many things.
I admire, respect, and honor you today.
You have always had a tender spot in your heart for those who are gone......I love you for that. MUM
Amen sister! As the daughter of a soldier currently serving our country, I can tell you that your words reach far and wide...
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