With the Husband available for a few extra days, and nights, we finally completed weaning the baby. I would have to admit that I was somewhat reluctant to because he is my LAST baby. I'm not sure I am ready to move into the, "Finished Having Kids" stage of life.......but it is time....Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!! No more of this......

So all weekend long I have been first chased by this......

Then...he decided to avoid me! He would yell at me whenever I tried to get his attention. Today he is acting better though!
I had quite a voluptuous figure for a few days! I felt like this............

When our neighbor arrived home from Iraq there was a parade through town. It looked much like this.... (the rain and all!)

Boy! It was a fun weekend. I loved it so much I want to do it again NEXT weekend. . . Can we?
NOT! I'm not that insane:) Or am I?
You have brightened my day ..yet again! I had a huge laugh reading your post.. I'm also not looking forward to the day when I'm finished having babies. And no longer nursing is too sad to think about
My baby recently weaned himself cold turkey. He is my last. It was VERY sad for me. I wasn't ready. I think I followed him around with a sad face trying to get him to start back up. (I was insanely engorged. Now I am insanely FLAT!)
I know how you feel, Ava is STILL nursing at 2 1/2. I try to wean her and we do really good for a couple of days and then she decides she wants ninny NOW!!! She freaks out until I give it to her:::::sigh::::: I have become such a wuss in my old age. I think subconsciously i don't really want her to wean.
That was a great post! I wasn't able to breast feed, so you are so lucky. I do know how you feel knowing that you are done having babies. It is hard to let go, and my daughter looks too big everyday.
Fun post.
You crack me up! I hope your boobs are feeling ok.
Five days....only Five days......MUM
You mean I totally missed the sitting at the computer with the baby on the boob this time? Oh man!
I weaned our youngest (and last) 8 months ago. He was very sad.
I was sad because he was sad.
Then I went flat, and that made me sad again.
Then I gained 10 pounds, and became really really sad.
At least now I can drink a Diet Dr. Pepper without fear of keeping the kid awake all night.
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