This is the place where the fairies come to play when we humans aren't looking. They drink the dew from the leaves when everything is quiet and still, and they sleep under the giant ivy leaves.
A tooth was lost on Sunday, so Tally wanted to make a place for the tooth fairy to rest when she comes to visit. The kids went into our "Secret Garden" today and built fairy houses. They range in skill and complexity depending on age.

The 4 year old chose a bed of rocks and sawdust for his fairy visitors

The 5 year old thought that leaves, sprinkled with dried lilac, made a nice spot to rest from a long fairy flight.

Gertie, 13 years old, built her house of sticks with a leaf roof. It all looked so ethereal in the dappled sunlight of the morning.
I hope the fairies visit tonight!
Is that like the computer fairy that visited Dad the other day? I hope not! Those cute fairy rest stops will be detroyed in no time with his gigantic stature:D
oh, of course the fairies will come to visit! they always seek out special places and welcoming children! tell your kids i said so... =)
reminds me of a story i once know when babies are laying on their backs in their cribs the way they move their little hands in the air? it's because they are innocent and can still see fairies and angels and they are playing with them...=)...everytime i see a baby reaching out into the air, i smile because of this...and think of fairies and angels flying around and giggling and playing with the baby...=)...thanks for the sweet post and making my day, jana!
Wow your children are as creative as you are!
If the fairies don't come to your house, then something is SERIOUSLY wrong. If I was a fairy, I would definitely stop at a place with restroom facilities and crackers.
ok-those house are precious. Very creative children! Also-the fathers day ideas-they are some duesy!
I am thinking about the talking toilet paper holder-ny husband would so laugh his butt off at this.
Also-thanks so much for the award! How thoughtful of you to think of me! I love it!! Now0if i can just figure out how to post it!!
hi mom
How sweet is that! i would choose the diet coke house, hoping that there would be drops of diet coke in there for me.
It was so great to see that the fairy did visit right in the middle of the afternoon. Talley was so happy to have the note written by the fairy to her. I am sure that the fairy had to use the restroom after slurping up all the leftover coke in the duplex! MUM
ack! so creative! When the faries are done at your house send them to VA - we could use a little sprinkling of their dust ... wait a minute ... I have enough dust of my own - scratch that!
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