I had a couple of babies that LOVED their paci! We had to have several on hand at all times. I remember frantically digging through the diaper bag looking for the elusive Binky, finally finding one stuck to the bottom of the bag, covered in crumbs and gunk! I wish I'd had one of these back then!!
This is a little Pacifier pocket that will hold several pacifiers. It is lined with vinyl (fused) fabric! This is a simple project that only took a few minutes to whip up!
My lables were designed and made by MommyMadeIt on etsy! Cute and great prices too!
This pattern is a Copyright of Jana Nielson , Lola...again!!! 2008. It is intended for personal, non-commercial use. You may not make and sell items using this pattern. Thanks!

Step 3- remove vinyl from backing and place on the right side of your fabric.

Step 5- allow it to cool, and peel the paper off. Repeat with other lining piece.
Step 6- Sew a 1" piece of Velcro about 1/2" down from the top of long piece. Sew lining together.
Step 7- Cut a one inch square out of each corner.
Step 8- Fold so side seam matches up with bottom seam and stitch across at 1/4".
Step 9- Sew the outside together the same way that you did the lining. Sew the other half of the Velcro on the front, about 1/2" down from the edge.
Step 10- Put lining inside of outer bag- wrong sides together.
Step 11- Fold the top edges in 1/4"- 1/2", pin in place, then carefully stitch around the edge.

Wow! This is one I've never seen before. I know several moms who would appreciate this. Great job!
Okay, so that is so cute! Too bad I don't have a reason to make one. Marshy hated the paci. I LOVE your "lola again" tag, too. Did you make them? Or order them from somewhere? So cute!
Great job on both tuitorials and way cool sewing machine!
Hopefully your students in your class will not entertain themselves between instuction by sticking pins into the skin of their hands. Young skin (summer fashion camp time again) seems rather resilient to this....old skin would just be wrong!
That's fantastic!!
Can I have your permission to use this commercially?
And yes, I'd like to know where your got your label from too.
Totally love that. I will have to make one for someone else as I have sworn to throw Junior binkie out this week.
very cute...this one may end up on my to makes if baby number two needs it. Zoe is a thumb girl...got a bag to package that away!
Another amazing tute! Where do you get your lola labels? I was wanting to order some so I could start sewing them in my aprons and such. I think yours are super cute!
forgot my contact info...
thanks again!
That was a great tut and not for pacifiers. Thanks!
Great idea. I wish I'd have had this when my pacifier obsessed children were little.
I had a passy lover at my house as well. Could never find one when I needed it. I am with you, sure could of used one of these. What a great idea. No suprise though! You are one creative woman.
Awesome thanks for the idea...I am making one of these ASAP!
I wish my baby loved his binky like the last one did . . .
I saw something like this at TJ Maxx and thought it was so cool. Glad to know now I can make my own! Thanks for sharing!
these will make fantastic gifts, thank you for the tutorial!
I literally was just thinking about what to make for a friend who just had her second. You have saved me girl!
Amazing, amazing!
My sister is expecting a baby in the end of November and I have a five month old niece who thinks her binky is the best thing ever. I can't wait to make some of these! I was thinking about adding a small strap near the top with a snap or clasp so that you could hook it to the strap of your diaper bag or (in my case, where everything else ends up too, lol) a belt loop so it doesn't get sucked into the bottomless pit of the bag. Anyone have any suggestions for this?
I worked this pattern last night. I was surprised how fast it was! I chose to not add the vinyl so I can just throw them in the washing machine. Thank you so much
I love your site,and the Izzy and Ivy site, when and where can I buy the patterns? Also where did you get the iron on vinyl, the ladies at Joannes had no idea what i was talking about. Thanks so much
The patterns are quite impressive. Maybe next time, you can apply these on pacifier clips.
Thanks for sharing this tutorial. I just love it. Check the link to see the one I made for my nephew. Thanks again
I found your tutorial in the 2010 sewing calendar and had to look up your blog. I made one this afternoon and I think it's awesome! It'll make a great baby gift. I also wish I'd had one when mine were smaller. I posted a pic on my blog, www.simplejoycrafting.blogspot.com. Thanks so much!
Just made this tonight. Only I used PUL for the inside. Thanks for an awesome tutorial!
Love this! Thanks for sharing.
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