Saturday, September 26, 2009

Religious Content

What do you know about your Family History? I thought I knew quite a bit until I started doing some playing on this new site that is part of

I was lucky enough to have both sets of Grandparents live within minutes of my home. My Dad's parents lived next door to us while I was growing up.

I entered my Grandpa's name, no dates, and the State we live in.. and up popped several documents about him. The most fun was the 1920's Census. Grandpa was only 10 at the time it was taken. He had MANY (like 10) brothers and sisters that lived at home at the time. The census gives names, ages, occupations, education levels...


I'm heading back there in the morning. I love to find out about the people that made my life possible. It makes them real to me.

Go Play!!


Anonymous said...

This is a great site. I've done genealogy for years and this one is good.

Found your blog on the 2009 One World One Heart Giveaway list. I'm "Bon Blogging", a self-guided search through the OWOH list of 911 blogs in 90 days--inspired by watching the Julia/Julie movie. Come visit my blog
I write mysteries and make jewelry.
My mystery features a Madame President and is available on Amazon

Kathi D said...

I never have much luck finding any of my people--I even looked at the big place in Salt Lake City once. A cousin of my mother was an avid genealogist and did a large volume about that side of the family. The other side must have been all nobodies!

Pinktulip said...

Great fun! As long as there are no surprizes of the unpleasant kind lurking in the family history! My cousin recently started researching our family history and for many years I thought we were French, but now it seems we were Irish that fled to France for religious reasons and ended up in South Africa centuries ago...My goodness, imagine 11 kids!