Monday, December 28, 2009

Photo lessons anyone?

Trying to get that adorable Christmas eve-by the Christmas tree picture. I have a new camera (thanks Jeff!), I took at least 10 shots.....and this is as good as it gets. This is the only one where you could see all six faces.

Christmas was wonderful, as always.
I have so much to say, but so much to do.
I'll be back tomorrow with all of the hysteria that the season brought to my home.

Today, if you haven't's your last chance!


Unknown said...

I received a new camera too! Like you, took oodles of photos and after a while everyone was groaning and begging me to put it away... LOL! I just couldn't, so they just hid from me.

Kathi D said...

I was rendered breathless by the Love Boat crew! Did you say something?

Our Hands For Hope said...

Did you make all the pillows they are holding?